Activities For A Lazy Dog

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Is your dog super lazy? Well, that's actually a good thing! Not only is your dog probably all the more adorable for it, they're also really easy to please. With overly active dogs, you need to worry about spending that excess energy, but not with lazy pooches. No, lazy dogs are happy just lying there next to you for the most part. But if you're looking for activities that your dog may want to participate in, look no further. This guide has you covered, and is lazy dog approved!

Hide and Seek

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4 Votes
Any Day
10 - 20 min
Items needed
Treats (optional)
Activity description
If you want to have some fun with your dog, rain or shine, indoors or outdoors, then there's nothing better than hide and seek. It's a classic for a reason: it's exhilarating to hide and see how long it takes to be found. So, why not play with your dog? It doesn't require any serious time investment, no financial investment, and your lazy dog will welcome not having to run everywhere or do something too physically and mentally demanding for a change. Plus, playing like this with your dog regularly can help make your dog more playful. So give it a try!
Wait for your dog to be distracted
Channel your inner child. Back when you used to play hide and seek, chances are you waited for your friends or siblings to be distracted before you ran and hid somewhere. The same principle applies here. Wait for your dog to be distracted by someone else in the household, or until they are busy eating, and then quietly find a place to hide.
Call your dog
Here's the fun part: once you're settled into your hiding place, chances are your dog will begin to look around for you. If your dog is off somewhere too far away, call your dog by name, but then immediately go back to being quiet. Once or twice at most is all you should do. Otherwise, you're making it too easy! Let your dog sniff around for you and eventually find you.
Celebrate with your dog
When your dog finally finds you, chances are they will be very happy. So celebrate with the dog! Cheer and pet, offer treats (optional) and tell them how good they are. When you take the time to reward your dog with praise, affection, and maybe even treats, they learn that this is the behavior that you find very agreeable. Do it enough times, and your dog will eventually get super excited to play hide and seek with you.
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Go For A Jog

0 Votes
Sunny Day
10 - 30 min
Items needed
Waste Disposal Bags
Water Bottle
Activity description
Bring some water, snap a leash on your dog, and get to jogging for a good half hour. Not only is it great exercise for both you and your pet, it's also a great way to get your dog to really move. Because let's be honest, lazy dogs don't tend to burn enough calories, and weight management is a big issue. If you can manage to go on a nice jog every other day, you can ingrain this into the dog's routine. Dogs know what to expect on a day to day basis, especially if you tend to do the same activities daily. Just practice some common sense: if your dog is old, overweight, or used to a couch potato lifestyle, start super small, with a very short brisk walk, then increase intensity as time goes on.
Prep for the Jog
Leash, check. Water bottle full of cold water, check. Make sure you have your phone in case of emergencies, and let's get outdoors! Let it be known now though that jogs are not as intense as running, but not as easy as just walking. Expect some knee and ankle pressure. If you start to feel that it is causing you pain, or that your dog is starting to limp, please stop immediately.
It helps to get some stretches in before a good jog, so you don't pull any muscles. So find your dog, and walk around a little. You can even do this outside right before starting the jog. Focus on stretching your legs, primarily, as well as your arms, which will move heavily with the jogging motion. Make sure your dog has a few minutes of regular walking before trying to jog.
Start jogging
Now that you're both warmed up, it's time to focus on the actual jogging! Put some pep in your step and focus on hitting the ground with the balls of your feet, rather than the heels. Use the momentum to keep a nice, easy pace. Ensure that your dog is having fun. If the dog is limping, having a hard time keeping up, or is desperately trying to get out of the collar, it's time to stop. And always make sure to rehydrate with a water break!
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Doggy Playdate

0 Votes
Sunny Day
30 min
Items needed
Activity description
If your friends have dogs, or if you know of a dog park nearby where people are open to socializing their dogs, then it's time to get out there! Sometimes dogs need other dogs around in order to show off their more playful side. This is a common occurrence, it comes with the excitement of meeting other dogs. Don't take it personally! It's just that, especially for one-dog households, they may not be used to interacting with other dogs all the time. They see you daily! At the end of the activity, chances are you'll both have spent some successful time with friends old and new. And that sounds like a good day, if you ask us.
Take your pooch to the park
Whether you decide to call up your friend who already has a dog, or you drove over to the dark park to meet new dog-loving friends, either way is great. Just make sure that if it is a friend you know, that their dog is nice enough to welcome your dog. At dog parks, the owners are usually very forward about their dog's temperament. They also tend to have rules at dog parks, like proof of vaccination, so it's nice to know that the area is safe for both you and your pooch.
Practice safety first
Even if you wind up at a nice dog park, full of happy, easy-going dogs, it's a good idea to keep an eye on your own dog. Make sure you don't hover, let the dogs roam freely and play, but stay nearby in case your dog gets shy or starts to feel like an outcast. If you're out with a friend at a park, find a nice place to hang out while your dogs play. Make sure the area they're in is fenced, so they can't run off. This, of course, isn't as much of a factor if both dogs are well-trained and come when called.
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More Fun Ideas...

Go to the Coffee Shop

Research coffee shops in your area that allow dogs. There's a surprising number of them out there. Spend the day typing away, maybe getting some work done on your laptop, while your dog sunbathes and takes a nice, long nap.Not only is it a great way to be both productive and social, your dog will likely enjoy the attention from strangers, and the long nap.

Just Relax & Unwind

It's ingrained into us humans to think of all dogs as highly active and always ready for adventure. But the reality is that all dogs are different. And if your dog is super lazy, sometimes the best thing to do is to be lazy together. Grab some pillows, a blanket, and curl up with your dog to watch some movies.


Lazy dogs can have fun too, they're just not about to do half of the crazy things that the more hyperactive dogs do. And that's just fine! Each dog is unique, and should be celebrated for being so pawsome. Next time you're wondering what you can do with your lazy dog, be sure to pull up this guide for ideas!