Activities For Dogs On Hot Days

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The long-awaited summer has finally arrived! You’ve been waiting for it for so long, dreaming of the day when you and your best furry friend would finally roam the parks and forests without the pesky snow or rain getting in your way. But, somehow, you always forget that the scorching heat is not as whimsical as you imagine it to be – you find yourself searching for a shade, sweating profusely, and becoming one with the air conditioner. Don’t be a drag, and look at the phenomenal, fun activities we have in store for you! You and your dog are sure to have the time of your lives while staying cool throughout.

Doggy Popsicle

Most Popular
3 Votes
Hot Day
30 min
Items needed
dog-safe fruit or vegetables
plastic mold
yogurt (optional)
Activity description

Or better yet, ‘pup-sicles’! Why should you be the only one to enjoy a sweet, cool refreshment, when there’s a way to treat your doggo to an icy treat that will provide a desired break from all the panting in the sun. Now we know that there’s a rumor going around that ice and cold makes the dog bloat, and that it could even be to some life-threatening proportions. Sure, if your dog drinks ice-cold spring water or finds a bucket of icy water, but these popsicles’ temperature is bound to be warmer than these extremes. Besides, you shouldn’t give your dog 12 popsicles at once – one will be enough! 

Popsicle mold
You could use either a regular ice cream mold, but how often does one household care so much about ice cream? We don’t blame you for not having an ice cream mold in your house. Therefore, grab any replacement you can find! It could be some Tupperware bowl, plastic ice-cream container, or even yogurt cups. These will be more than fine.
Now, it’s more than apparent that you can’t just put some chocolate flavored ice cream powder and milk and finish the job. As we all know, dogs CANNOT eat sugar (xylitol to be exact), so be sure to avoid any substance that might contain some. After all, you are making pup-sicles, not human ice cream! So, freeze some fruit or veg, put yogurt in it for some additional flavor, and you're good to go. Enjoy!
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2 Votes
Hot Day
1 - 3 hrs
Items needed
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The most traditional and obvious way of cooling down during the summer heat is to drink a lot of fluids, eat fresh and light food, and of course, go for a swim. Now, sometimes you cannot simply leave everything behind and go on a beach with your pooch and if the nearest body of water seems to be polluted, then you’re running out of options. But you can always be creative – turn on your sprinklers! This way you can stay around your home. If not, go for a walk – you’ll find some sprinklers in the vicinity in no time.

Make an event
Once you’ve turned on your sprinklers and got yourself and your pooch wet, you should be prudent and invite all your friends, neighbors, relatives and dog friends to your private party. Why, you ask? Well, because you will have so much more fun in the crowd. Think of the environment and save both water and electricity and make a Sprinkler Party everyone is invited to.
Play games
You could spice up your cooling method by employing your dog’s toys, branches and making a fun game out of it. Of course, your doggo is bound to go crazy and unleash their bottled up energy once they get wet, so this is a great opportunity to tire them out properly and get the necessary amount of exercise we all lack in the summer. Chase them around, make obstacles for them to jump over or avoid, shucks, you should even build a whole obstacle course - for a day to remember!
Dry your dog
You are having a barrel of fun in the icy water drops, your dog is happier than you’ve seen them in a while, time flies by without you even noticing. But here’s a catch, and be wary! Though you may think that the luscious fur your dog has will makes a cold or a fever literally impossible to attain, don’t be fooled. Dogs can catch a cold just as easily as us humans can, so you should dry your dog well when the sun starts to fade away.
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Least Popular
1 Vote
Sunny Day
3 - 4 hrs
Items needed
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The best way to escape the merciless sunrays and the dreary confines of your home is to pack your and your dog’s things and run away from the surroundings you know all too well. Think of all the nature that is just on the brink of your usual daily tasks, and of all the times you promised to yourself you would explore the nature in the vicinity. Therefore, grab a leash, pack your bags and be prepared for an adventure you’ll surely enjoy as there is no better way than to explore, exercise, and escape the city heat than to go geocaching! In its essence, geocaching is searching for geocaching ‘treasure’ by going through the terrain and looking for its longitude and latitude, having in mind the hints and the description of the trails. It's popular worldwide, and your dog at your side is a great advantage – not only will the walk do you both good, but dogs' senses are so much sharper than ours.

Equip yourself
Make the necessary preparations beforehand. Inform yourself thoroughly on the tips and the tricks of the geocaching trade, and be sure to bring all the things you could find when going on a day-long forest hunt. So, plenty of water, fruit, sandwiches, dog food, and treats to make sure your dog gets the praise they can taste! Your smartphone’s GPS system should be adequate, but if you’re a geocaching veteran, you’ll know that GPSr devices are much more accurate concerning the exact location.
Go beyond!
Don’t just stick to your neighborhood and look for these treasures in places you walked your dog a thousand times! The whole point of geocaching is to get out your comfort zone – and that means outside of the concrete jungle. These pursuits will take you to nooks and crannies you otherwise would never even think of visiting. The thrill of it is why two million geocachers participate in this activity in nearly 200 countries. This could also be an alternative way to spend your holiday instead of being a stereotypical tourist, and plus, your dog will get more than the usual 10 minute walk.
Find geocaching partners
The joy of geocaching is doubled when you have a companion. And sure, you have your beloved dog with you. But just think of the thrill of finally uncovering the spot where your ‘cache’ is, and sharing it with your fellow dog-owner and their dog. It's pure mathematics – the excitement of it will be not doubled, but quadrupled! Besides, four heads are smarter than two and two snouts are better than one.
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More Fun Ideas...

Go Camping

Take a break from the city life and dog parks, brush the dust off your tent and your flashlight and drive away to the nearest grassy, hilly spot full of trees. It’s so cool in the forest you’ll never want to get out


Take a close look at your dog. Is their hair becoming an unrecognizable dreadlock? Can they even see through the thick bangs? Do their nails make terrible screeching noises when they walk? If yes, it is time for a makeover! Take your poopoo to a dog salon, or take the matter into your own hands. Either way, your dog will feel so much better in the hot summer weather once they're all dolled-up! 


Try not to get lazy when the hot days come as it can actually be a great opportunity to create some festivities and fun activities which can include not only your dog, but you and your whole family, your friends, relatives and neighbors. So be creative and active in the summertime because when the winter comes, you and your canine buddy will be all locked up and freezing.