Activities For Miniature Goldendoodles

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Many experts describe the Miniature Goldendoodle as a "teddy bear." This hybrid breed is a mixture of the Miniature Poodle and the Golden Retriever. There are some Miniature Goldendoodles that are the result of breeding a Golden Retriever with a Toy Poodle or a small Standard Poodle. However, for the most part, Mini Goldendoodles are the result of a Mini Poodle and Golden. Often, the result is a small dog with an unsurpassable loyalty and a penchant for intelligence. These sweet pups love to participate in activities that involve spending time with you. Plan for activities which encourage their mental muscle as well as involve physical activity.

Tunnel Fun

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Any Day
30 min
Items needed
collapsible tunnel
treats for rewards
Activity description
The Mini Goldendoodle is legendary for their intelligence. You can do a number of things which encourage a mental workout. One of these things is teaching the Mini Golden how to work their way through a tunnel. This exercise is often a part of agility games, and you may or may not want to enter your dog into agility competitions. You may simply want your pup to enter and exit the tunnel while you are at the dog park. You can tunnel inside your home as well. All you need is a collapsible tunnel (often one that is suited to children works well). This activity is relatively cheap, other than the purchase of the tunnel and plenty of treats to use as a reward.
Introduce the activity
The first goal of tunnel training is to make sure that your dog finds the tunnel approachable. This might mean unfurling the tunnel and leaving it lying around so that your dog can sniff it and become used to the presence of the tunnel. To begin training, you might also want to utilize a straight tunnel. In fact, open the tunnel to the shortest length available to you. Have a partner get on the other side of the tunnel with your pup; call to them and offer a treat once Fido travels through the tunnel to you.
Introduce new obstacles in stages
Once your dog will come through the tunnel to you at the shortest length available, it is time to begin lengthening the tunnel. In addition, you can introduce a curved tunnel to the mix. You might also add the word "tunnel" to your bag of commands (but be sure to do this prior to the introduction of the curved tunnel). Again, fold up the curved tunnel to the shortest length and begin teaching your Miniature Goldendoodle how to navigate the curved tunnel from there. Always reward your canine companion with lots of praise and treats.
Throw in a little fun
Some experts recommend playing games that involve the tunnel. You can place one of the dog's toys inside the tunnel and encourage them to retrieve it as a means to encouraging them to run through the tunnel. You can also place the toy just outside the exit. When your clever pup makes it through, be sure to reward them with lots of praise.
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Shake Hands

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Any Day
15 min
Items needed
treats for a reward
Activity description
One of the most remarkable traits of the Mini Goldendoodle is their intelligence. With that in mind, many of the activities you plan for your Mini Golden should harness their natural smarts. Teaching the Mini Goldendoodle a wide variety of tricks is a great way to keep them mentally engaged. Certainly, you'll want to perform anything the Mini Golden learns in front of your friends and family! Learning to shake hands is a rather easy trick to ascertain, and it is a great beginner's trick that you can use to build on later. This trick can be performed anywhere in any type of weather for nothing more than the cost of treats.
Teaching without treats
This method is called "waiting it out." First, hold your hand out to your dog. Allow them to sniff and possibly lick the palm of your hand. It is at this point that you hope your dog will begin to paw at your hand. When this happens, give the dog praise. Sit back and wait until the dog repeats the behavior. The intelligent Mini Golden will not take very long to gather what you are expecting them to do.
Teaching with treats
This method of teaching is much like teaching without treats. You'll want to offer your hand, palm up, to Fido. When they try to paw at your palm, then give them praise and a treat. Repeat as necessary, but keep in mind that fifteen minutes is usually the maximum for training to learn tricks.
Adding verbal commands
By this point, your dog should understand what it is you expect of them. When you offer your hand, now add the command, "shake." Be sure to say this each time that you offer your hand. Try this for about a week or so. Then, take away the hand offering and only say the command. Be sure to reward them for following your verbal command as well as physical ones.
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Roll Over

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Any Day
15 min
Items needed
treats as a reward
Activity description
The Miniature Goldendoodle thrives on participating in activities that have interaction with their humans as well as those that harness their intellectual capabilities. Furthermore, the Mini Golden will enjoy being the center of attention while performing the myriad of tricks you'll be teaching them. A great trick for the Mini Goldendoodle is learning how to roll over on command. You'll need to have taught your dog a few commands prior to beginning teaching them to roll over. Keep treats handy as you'll definitely need them. Typically, you'll perform training indoors, and, other than the cost of treats, this is a free activity.
Learn the "down" command
You will want to start teaching Fido how to roll over when they are in the "down" position. So, it is imperative that you teach this command first. Have the dog sit. Hold a treat directly in front of your dog's head. Say "down" while lowering the treat to the floor. Your dog will follow the treat and soon lie down. Praise them and give the treat as a reward.
Introduce the treat
Once your dog is in the down position, you will want to kneel beside them. Be sure to have Fido's attention. Show them the treat in your hand. Move your hand from directly in front of their nose to their shoulder to entice them to lie on their side. Praise them each time they do this. You might want to get this move down pat before moving on to the next step.
Practice makes perfect
Once your dog has lying on their side mastered, you can begin working on rolling over. Have your dog lie down on their side. Being sure you have their attention, move your hand back in the opposite direction to encourage them to roll on to their back. As your dog does this, say, roll over. When Fido rolls from one side to the other, praise them and give them the treat.
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More Fun Ideas...

Hide and Seek

The Mini Goldendoodle will enjoy playing games of hide and seek. At first, you'll need to hide the treats (or kibble) in plain sight, but, soon you can hide the treats under the edge of the couch and watch Fido utilize their nose to find the reward.

Dog Park

The dog park provides a great opportunity for exercise as well as socialization opportunities. Your Mini Goldendoodle will love traversing any agility course available, and they will relish getting to play with other pooches.


The Miniature Goldendoodle is a happy, affectionate dog who loves nothing more than to spend time with their family. Don't forget that this designer breed is also highly intelligent, so, when planning activities, be sure to utilize the pup's smarts. You can teach them tricks rather easily. The Mini Goldendoodle will enjoy any activity that involves spending time with you.