Activities For Shorkie Tzus

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Brave, loyal, and always ready to play, Shorkie Tzus are an adorable mix of Yorkies and Shih Tzus. These designer dogs make wonderful companions for adults, families, and children. They love their people more than anything and will let you know of any stranger-danger, but they are happiest curled up on your lap or strolling next to you on a nice walk. Activities for Shorkie Tzus should help socialize them and challenge them every day physically and mentally. These sweet little dogs are wonderful pets for those in apartments or looking for a fun little dog to keep them company.

The Shell Game

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Any Day
15 min
Items needed
Three cups
Activity description
Activities for Shorkie Tzus should take into account their clever nature. The shell game will keep them guessing and you laughing as they try to find the treat. The shell game for dogs is similar to the shell game for humans. You set up three cups upside-down and hide a treat underneath one. Your dog then tries to choose the cup that has the treat underneath. This is an easy game that children can play with the dog and everyone will enjoy.
One cup
To start, take one cup and turn it upside down. While the dog is watching you can hide a treat underneath it. Ask the dog to find the treat and praise them when they do. Repeat this a few times so they know what they are supposed to be doing.
Three cups
The next step is to set up three cups in front of the dog. Hide the treat underneath one of the cups and ask your dog to find it. You can begin switching the cups before you ask your dog to find the treat to make it more challenging.
Switch it up
When your dog is getting good at finding the treat when they see where you put it, you can start hiding the treat without them watching. Set up the three cups and hide the treat, then show your dog. Switch up the cups and ask them to find the treat. Everyone will have a great time playing this game.
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Tiny Playdate

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Sunny Day
1 hr
Items needed
Balls and toys
Activity description
Socialization is incredibly important for Shorkie Tzus at a young age so they learn how to interact with both dogs and people. These dogs are known to be brave and loyal to their people, but if they don't learn that other people and dogs are not a threat, they can become aggressive. It doesn't matter how small they are, aggressive dogs are not ideal in the home need to be socialized. Luckily, setting up playdates with other small dogs is one of the best activities for Shorkie Tzus to help them learn how to interact with others.
Find some friends
The first step is to find a group of dogs or friends to set up a playdate with. Though Shorkie Tzus can get along with dogs of all sizes, they will feel more comfortable and confident with dogs their size. If you don't know anyone with a small dog, you can usually find clubs or organizations online.
Friendly introductions
It's important to meet on neutral ground for the first time. Head to a dog-friendly park for the first meeting so that no dog feels they need to protect their space. Let them sniff and check each other out at their own pace. It won't be long before they are running around and playing with each other.
Set a date
It's not enough to socialize your dog once or twice. They need time to play and socialize on a regular basis to ensure they learn how to meet and interact with both dogs and people. Set a date to meet up with your small dog friends once a week. It will be good for your dog and good for you too.
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Beauty Shop

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Any Day
10 min
Items needed
Dog brush
Nail clippers
Bow or hat
Activity description
Shorkie Tzus have beautiful coats that draw many people to this particular breed. With this beautiful fur comes the need for daily maintenance to make sure they don't get knots or mats which can lead to soars and skin disease. Though it can be a lot of work to keep up with their coats, enlisting the help of the family can make daily grooming into a fun game. Playing Beauty Shop is one of the best activities for Shorkie Tzus to keep their coats healthy and beautiful. Making it into a game for your kids will help keep them occupied and help them learn to take care of their dog.
Get your tools
It's important to have the right tools to make sure you can properly care for your dog's coat and nails. If you have a child who will be helping with Beauty Shop, take them to the store so they can pick out their own brush and fashionable accessories for the dog. You will also need nail clippers or a grinder.
Daily brushing
Make Beauty Shop part of the daily routine. It doesn't matter what time you brush the dog. It can be in the morning or in the evening as a wind-down before bed. Make sure the child knows to be gentle while brushing. They can also learn how to gently wipe away any tear stains from their eyes and nose.
Big time beauty
Every month or so you'll need to do a little more to care for the dog. They will need their nails trimmed and their coat trimmed. If you don't know how to give them a haircut, you can take them into a groomer for the full treatment.
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More Fun Ideas...

Daily Walks

Shorkie Tzus are energetic little bundles of joy, and they need daily exercise to keep them happy and out of trouble. A daily walk is the perfect way to keep them fit.

Play Ball

Shorkie Tzus love to run and chase. Playing fetch with a ball just their size will be a favorite activity for them and will leave you laughing at their antics as they chase the ball.


Finding activities for Shorkie Tzus is not difficult at all. These sweet and spazzy little dogs are full of energy and just love to go, go, go with their human friends. Making sure they learn how to meet and interact with other dogs and people is very important to keep them from becoming too protective. Even though they are small, these dogs have lots of energy to burn. Make sure they get plenty of time to run, walk, and play each day to avoid destructive behavior inside. They also require plenty of grooming to keep their beautiful coats sleek and silky. Shorkie Tzus make wonderful companions for everyone.